Welcome to the Episcopal Church!
The Episcopal Church strives to live by the message of Christ; all are welcome. Walking a middle way between Roman Catholicism and Protestant traditions, we are a sacramental and worship-oriented church that promotes thoughtful debate about what God is calling us to do and be, as followers of Christ.
Exploring the National Episcopal Church website may answer some of your questions - or raise additional ones! Visit our church to find out more. The best way to learn about the Episcopal Church is to become a part of it. Come and Grow!
Other places to check out include Iowa Connections and Episcopal Life Online.
If you cannot join us in person on any given Sunday, you may find the service bulletin by clicking here. The 10am service is also available as a livestream by clicking here.
Weekly Liturgy and Music
Sunday is traditionally when Episcopalians gather for worship. The principal weekly worship service is the Holy Eucharist, also known as the Lord’s Supper, Holy Communion, or Mass. In most Episcopal churches, worship is accompanied by the singing of hymns, and in some churches, much of the service is sung. For example, at St. John's, music is integral to our 10 AM service.
We hope you will feel comfortable with our liturgy. All baptized Christians are invited to make their communion with us. You may kneel or stand throughout the service -whichever is your personal preference. This is also true at the altar rail. The Episcopal church generally offers communion in "two kinds", both the consecrated bread and wine. If you prefer to receive only the bread or only the wine, please know that you have made a full communion. Children are always welcome in the church throughout the service.
Music is a key part of our liturgy and worship. The Anglican–Episcopal heritage places a strong emphasis on music, especially choral and organ music. Our music program draws from this heritage by emphasizing choral singing and the music of the pipe organ.