The easiest way to get to the sanctuary, is to park in our parking lot behind the church. And to enter the glass double doors. On Sunday, you will walk straight, up the flight of stairs. You will be greeted by one of our friendly welcomers, were you will be given a bulletin which details the order of the service for that day.
You are welcome to participate with the service however you see fit. If you would like to just listen to the prayers and the music, that is perfectly fine. You will notice that people stand, sit and kneel during the service. You are welcome to follow along or to remain seated. Towards the end of the service, most of the congregation will receive communion. If you are not baptized, you are more than welcome to come up to the communion rail for a blessing. If you prefer to remain seated, that is perfectly fine as well
Many people in our congregation come from different worshipping traditions, including Evangelical, Mainline, and Catholic. Our worship is traditional but not stuffy. We participate in the liturgy not out of pure duty but out of reverence, and a desire to be changed by the sanctifying grace of Christ. You will notice that we use prewritten prayers, these help guide our prayers along the lines of how christians have historically prayed. We stand, sit and kneel throughout the service, and you might notice people making the sign of the cross during worship. This is similar to when people raise their hands during worship. It is a physical manifestation of our hearts inner worship. The Gospel is preached here every week, from our readings and sermons, to the celebration of Communion. Every Communion liturgy reminds us of Christ’s salvific sacrifice on the cross. Give us a try, you are welcome to participate how ever you want to, whether that’s listening to the prayers and music for the first time.
If you are used to worshipping in the Roman Catholic church, much of the service will feel familiar to you. We believe that Christ is truly present in the Holy Eucharist, but we do not define specifically how this is. All baptized Christians are welcome to receive the Eucharist here.
St. John’s welcomes all into our church. This welcome specifically manifests itself in the inclusive nature of our church. LGBTQ+ individuals are welcomed to get married in our church, as well as to participate fully in the life of the church. The Episcopal church ordains women, and we are proud that women are involved in ministry here at every level, including our Bishop!
You will find people in our pews dressed more formally, as well as people who are in jeans and a t shirt. You are welcome to wear whatever you normally wear throughout the week at our services
All baptized Christians are warmly invited to receive communion here at St. John’s. If you are not baptized, you are invited to come to the altar rail for a blessing. The congregation will be invited forward to communion, and people will form two rows in the center aisle, facing the altar rail. The altar rail is the are up front where people kneel to receive communion. Once you get to the front of the line, you are invited to walk to an empty section, and either kneel or stand. The priest will walk over first with the Host (it looks like a white wafer) and you will receive that first. You are welcome to receive just the host, but if you would like you can wait to either instinct (dip) the host into the bowl that contains the consecrated wine, or you may drink straight from the chalice. If you would like a blessing, you can cross your arms over your chest to let the priest know. Once you receive you are welcome to return to your seat by walking along one of the side aisles.
Yes! we have gluten free hosts available, simply let the priest know that you require one, and they will get it for you.